La 12 august 1575 si la 18 aprilie 1576, domnitorul Alexandru Mircea intarea lui Stoica mare postelnic ocini la Macsinu, Berindesti si Udreni (sat langa Gura Calnaului), iar Episcopiei Buzaului ocini in Grosaneasa (Grosani comuna ...
heard the Gospel : Lunca Corbului, Negreni, Aninoasa Cariera, bBerindesti/b and so on. In some places kids and neighbors heard the Good News. Praises to the Lord for this and thanks to the ones helping. In 3 of this places we are planning ...
Edit summary (Briefly describe the changes you have made): Berindesti is a village in Corbeni a commune in Argeş County, in southern central Romania. Category:Communes and villages in Romania Category:Argeş County.